Learn from the best – Four women at the top of their game give their advice to aspiring leaders
Do something you care about says Pilar Cruz, President of Cargill’s compound animal feed and nutrition business “Over 17 years ago, I selected Cargill because agriculture is so universal and fundamental to people’s lives – whether you’re in the poorest country or the richest. One can impact so many lives in a positive way. Furthermore, […]
“The pool of women talent is bigger than that of males and we’re still not tapping into that,” says William McClain VP of HR, Bunge
William McClain on supporting the Women in Food and Agriculture campaign 2019 William McClain is Vice President Human Resources, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia for Bunge, a food and agribusiness company. In addition, McClain oversees human resources and related strategies for the company’s global agribusiness and trading product lines. With a unique view on […]
A View from the Top of the World: Interview with Salmon Group CEO- Women in Food and Agriculture
Back when Anne-Kristine Øen, CEO of Norway-based Salmon Group joined the industry, she recollects, there were not many women among management, particularly in the most senior roles. These days, however, it is a pleasure to notice that an increasing number of senior positions go to women. Throughout a career including stints as Communication Manager at […]
Bridging the Gender Gap, The Success Story of Cargill’s Pilar Cruz
In 2002, she graduated from the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business with a master’s degree in Business. And today, she is proud to work for a business whose purpose is to feed the world in a safe, sustainable and responsible way. Pilar currently occupies the position of President of Cargill’s compound animal feed […]
“Listening to my mother made me determined that I was not going to choose between work and family.” says Christine Tacon CBE
Listening to her mother’s experience of a successful career being cut short to raise a family made Christine Tacon determined she would not be forced to make the same sacrifices, as she tells Olivia Midgley. THROUGHOUT her 40 years in business Christine Tacon has enjoyed senior roles at some of the world’s biggest companies, including […]
‘Women Are Feeding the World. Invest in Women!’ Says Marleen New, Heifer International
NGOs and GDOs are increasingly taking on the responsibility of implementing the gender equality and women’s empowerment agendas of the global development sector. Heifer International is a global development organisation with a mission to end hunger and poverty while caring for the earth. It seeks to boost the livelihoods of small-holder farmers, helping them achieve […]
Frédérique Clusel: For Advanced Biosciences, it’s Already a Woman’s World
29 March 2019- “In veterinary school in France, 75% or 80% are women. In agronomic schools… the same trend is observed. [In a few years] our roles will be filled more by women than men…we will have a misbalance in the opposite direction.” Frédérique Clusel, General Manager of Phileo Lesaffre Animal Care, is definitely worried […]
Amy Cornell: Making an Impact on Agriculture
Amy Cornell has strong roots in agriculture. Growing up on a crop farm in Illinois, Amy was ironically allergic to most things—which didn’t foster fondness of the farm in her early years, especially at harvest time. But things changed when she interviewed her father about farming for an assignment while studying at Purdue University. “That […]
Women in Food and Agriculture: An interview with Caroline Drummond MBE
With more companies looking to address the gender balance at board level, Olivia Midgley asks Caroline Drummond what progress is being made in agriculture. BRITAIN’S agricultural sector has made great strides in recent years to shrug off its reputation as being male-dominated and attract the best and brightest female talent. But while more and more […]
The Women of Food and Agriculture
From the barn to the boardroom, women play a crucial role in the global business of food and agriculture. Which is why when research showed that women are acutely under-represented in management roles throughout the industry, it seemed imperative to examine and uncover the gender gap—and reveal the incredible stories of the women who work […]