Ollie Theocharous, Content Director of WFA
Have you got your plan for the year nailed down? What about an achievable action plan for your long-term career objectives?
I, for one, have trouble finding the time. Managing team members, getting through work projects and balancing a busy family life can make the task feel overwhelming. Especially when you’re juggling your 20th load of washing for the week while meeting challenging deadlines!
Given the pressure we put on ourselves in both our work and personal lives, it’s no surprise that many women I speak to don’t have their long-term career goals locked down.
From telling yourself, ‘I’ll stay in this job because I am comfortable and confident in what I’m doing,’ to ‘If I take that promotion, I’ll have to work overtime and I’m already swamped,’ there’s always a reason not to act on the ambitions you have.
While we have seen a shift toward more women in senior leadership roles since WFA began in early 2019, it’s still not uncommon to see senior management teams with little or no female representation. We need to see women breaking through the glass ceiling and setting ambitious career goals may be the first step you can take to do so.
It is vital we equip women with the tools to ensure they are focusing on their career progression. Providing you with the opportunity to take a step back and ask, ‘What do I REALLY want from my long-term career?’
That is why WFA have developed ‘Unstoppable: How you can flourish in agrifood in 2025.’ In this 60 minute webinar, you will dedicate the time to think about your future, receive tips and advice from senior female leaders in the sector. With inspirational women from SPAR Group, Nestlé and Alltech, you’ll learn how to adapt to change, maintain a growth mindset, set goals and grow your self-belief.
This is the hour you need to kick-start your career.
WFA’s ‘Unstoppable: How you can flourish in agrifood in 2025’ webinar is taking place on Thursday 30th January at 3pm GMT or watch on-demand.
For more information and to sign up for free click here.