Overcoming the Barriers Faced by in Women in Food and Agriculture

Understanding the reasons behind diversity issues in the agribusiness industry is key in overcoming them. Although we are seeing more diversity and inclusion in the industry, there is still a visible lack of women in the boardroom and in other high-ranking positions. We spoke to Vesselina Shaleva, Deputy General Counsel at Bunge for Europe and […]

AgriBriefing and Alltech launch international survey on Women in Food and Agriculture

Survey to probe impact of Covid-19 and where agribusinesses across the globe are measuring on the scale of gender and diversity Has Covid-19 acted as a catalyst for change in your business? Has it provided the reset moment your company needed to introduce more flexibility or even adapt to become more resilient? A new international […]

Key webinar takeaways: Ensuring Diversity is a Priority in Food and Ag

24th July 2020 Yesterday, we heard from four diversity champions from across our sector, who discussed why in these challenging times, focusing on diversity should still be a key priority for businesses in our industry. We were left feeling determined and empowered to make change, and feeling positive that progress, no matter how small, is […]

Building greater resilience and sustainability into food and farming supply chains will be ‘sped up’ as the industry recovers from the coronavirus pandemic

While global supply chains succeeded in keeping food on the shelves during the Covid-19 crisis, which claimed large numbers of businesses in other industries, agribusiness leaders said it was far from ‘business as usual’. Dr Mark Lyons, president and chief executive officer of Alltech, said keeping operational had been a critical element for businesses and […]

What do women in food and agriculture think are the most important issues we face?

Following on from the success of the 2019 Women in Food and Agriculture event in Amsterdam, we recently asked our participants, speakers and advisory board what they thought the most pressing issues were for women in  in our sector. It seems the most common answers can be grouped into three main themes: environmental issues, consumer […]

Improving sustainability in agriculture, with Jack Bobo, CEO of Futurity

Building a sustainable future in agriculture is a topic that is being discussed more and more. Indeed, more companies are creating entire divisions and dedicating large parts of their budgets to understand this concept. As consumers become more informed about what goes into their food and where it comes from, it is down to those […]